tobermory's Diaryland Diary



I did more house cleaning this weekend in preparation for a Memorial Day BBQ. Yes I know BBQ�s are held outside and the guests would only make a quick detour through the house on the way to the backyard, but what if they came inside to use the bathroom and poked around a little bit? I couldn�t have them be horrified by the size of the cat-hair tumbleweeds. In addition to the usual vacuuming and bathroom scrubbing I really got into the nitty gritty of cleaning and I actually straightened out my closet. I put together a metric ton of castoffs to give to some lucky charitable organization and found out that apparently if you are a cute, gimmicky lip balm I will buy you and stash you in one of my eleventy-billion purses. I reshelved all of my purses and in the process cleaned all of them out. I found:

8 half used packs of Sniff tissues
15 pens
4 barettes and 9 ponytail bands
Over 30 crumpled receipts � gas, grocery store, Target, etc.
3 cute make-up bags
2 mini hairbrushes
Enough tampons to re-stock a whole box
Several mystery pills � ibuprofen? Acetaminophen? Speed? X? Who knows?
4 pairs of earrings I thought I had lost
3 small notebooks
At least 2 lip balms per purse � often several more. I have a lot of purses. A LOT of purses.

Why? Why do I feel compelled to keep buying lip balms? There were tubes, sticks, pots, tins � you name it. Every thing from the staples like Chap-Stik to big �indie� names like Burt�s Bees and Kiehl�s to small earthy-crunchy brands like Four Elements and the Savannah Bee Company. Tinted and untinted. Flavors included mint, lemon, blackberry, honey, carrot cake, cardamom, cr�me brulee, and cinnamon. The irony of it all? If I use it at all, on a good day I might apply lip balm once. In theory I own enough lip balm to last me until the next millennium. I�m going to have to make provisions for the disbursement of my lip balm collection in my will. The other irony? The only lip balm I regularly use is the tub of Carmex that sits on the bedside table. I am imposing a balm ban on myself that will last until I get catch sight of the next adorable tin of balm. One more balm fact? I have a friend who always refers to it as lip BLAM which I kind of like and will have to appropriate.

Tonight is the last Awesome Ass class at my gym. My ass has not achieved the awesomeness yet but I imagine if I keep hammering away at the homework sheets I have a good shot at, maybe, not-flabby. We all need goals.

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4:21 p.m. - 2007-05-30


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